Give Your Couples Therapy a Shot in the Arm with a Hold Me Tight® Workshop by Couples Workshops of Florida

Give Your Couples Therapy a Shot in the Arm with a Hold Me Tight® Workshop by Couples Workshops of Florida

We are often asked, “how does a Hold Me Tight Workshop benefit me if I am already working with an EFT therapist in couples counseling or am about to begin the process of couples counseling?”. The best way to answer this is to look at couples therapy and a Hold Me Tight Workshop as a both/and proposition, not either/or. In other words, each makes the other better. They have a symbiotic relationship.

A Transformational Experience

As a couples therapist who specializes in Emotionally Focused Therapy and has the pleasure of both, working with couples in my private practice, as well as being a facilitator at the workshops, I can tell you that the experience of being with other couples in a room for 2 days saturated in what is considered to be the most powerful modality in couples therapy, is nothing short of transformational.

Connecting with Other Couples

First and foremost, being with other couples helps us not feel so alone as we quickly recognize that all couples have some dysfunctional ways of communicating; ways that do not serve them. I like to see this coming together as a way of cutting through the shame that binds us and keeps us hidden, a reality that is all too common among couples who are struggling.

A Front Loaded Approach

Secondly, we front load the workshop by presenting the science of why and how couples get stuck in their cycle, which almost immediately helps attendees experience a paradigm shift as they begin to loosen the grip on the long held belief that their partner is the enemy. Instead, they recognize the cycle as the enemy and they are caught by forces that seem beyond their control.

A Roadmap of Hope

It is worth pointing out that while working with couples in session, we are moving them through a deeply experiential process, and our hour together leaves no time to present things like the science of love, show videos to deepen understanding, and introduce diagrams with concepts such as “mapping your cycle”: all of which help widen the lens through which they see themselves and their partners. Essentially, the workshop offers the template of the EFT model, and a roadmap of hope, as it lays the foundation for the couple to enhance the work they are doing with their therapist. 

Gain a Better Understanding of Emotionally Focused Therapy

The workshop helps attendees deepen their understanding of the Eft Cycle (dance) as they move through the exercises in the workbook; a workbook that is filled with slides from the PowerPoint presentation. Attendees gain confidence in their ability to conceptualize their cycle from a birds eye view as they zoom out and map out their moves in the dance together, as a team.  This experience at the workshop actually helps couples identify areas in which they are stuck so that they can take it back to their therapist and go deeper in the work together. I like to see this as grist for the mill, as couples deepen their understanding of their and their partners raw spots. 

Hold Me Tight® Workshops Strengthen and Improve the Results of Tradtional Couples Therapy

Throughout the Hold Me Tight Workshops we remind attendees that the workshop is not therapy! Therapy in the EFT model with a trained EFT Therapist is experiential in nature and requires taking the client into the deepest most tender parts of their hearts; a journey which changes them systemically. Certainly this level of psychotherapy cannot be accomplished in a 2 day workshop. But every EFT Therapist who has sent their clients to us knows that they will benefit from the experience, and that it will only make the clients therapy more fruitful, effective, and efficient. Time and again the feedback we receive from colleagues who have sent their clients to the workshop is that it has benefited the clients journey in therapy. It is, well, just the shot in the arm they need to get a much needed boost.  

Bolster Your Couples Therapy Today with a Hold Me Tight® Couples Workshop in Florida

Are you a couple that is attending therapy but still feel that something is missing? Do you there is more you could be doing to improve your relationship on a fundamental level? Are you ready to take the next step? If any of these sound like where you are at in your life, you are not alone. Hold Me Tight® Couples Workshops, offered by Vicki and Mark, offer a safe place to reconnect and learn how to grow in your relationship as the perfect accompaniment to your couples therapy. This workshop will leave you equipped to continue enriching your relationship long after the weekend is over. Follow the steps below to get started on your empowering journey.

  • Get to know more about Vicki and Mark here.

  • Fill out our convenient online contact form.

  • Prepare for a powerful life changing experience!

Excavating The Past

Excavating the past by combing through our history can feel more than daunting at times, but it is through this journey that we come to grasp what informs our belief systems, what influences our behaviors, and what so powerfully seems to rule our emotions.  It has often been said that in order to experience a different reality in the present, or the future, one must be willing to look at the past.  If we are able to view this process with a sense of wonder, rather than fear and dread, it holds the potential of healing our wounds. This process can shape our lives.

The benefit of taking the journey within goes far beyond our personal growth, healing, and fulfillment, as it reaches into the lives of others as well, allowing them to profit. Instead of becoming hoarders of our personal stories of suffering and redemption, we free ourselves up to offer them as gifts to others who are not as far along in the journey.  Exploration is a gift to self, and others. 

The consequences of not dealing with our past reaches into crevices of our lives in ways that we never imagined possible. It is like smoke from a fire: it cannot be hidden.  Unresolved feelings of shame and guilt remain and come out sideways in our relationships with others, God, and self. Whether it is addiction, anger, sarcasm, self-contempt, or any number of defense mechanisms, the past is unrelenting in its beckoning for us to visit it, and find peace. The past longs to be healed.   

As we begin to deal with the past the first thing we usually experience is a sense of surprise at how so much of it connects with our present story. Dots get connected, pieces fall into place and things begin to make sense. The mystery is shattered. The heaviness of shame and guilt begin to lift as we gain an awareness of how our experiences have impacted our behaviors.  Awareness is powerful, as it lays the groundwork for the rest of the journey, which is the accepting of difficult truths that have long been buried. Dealing with the past opens a pathway for depression to lift as we grieve losses we were never able to. 

Unacknowledged wounds from the past act like shackles that bind our joy and creative expression in the present.  Dealing with these frees us up. I have heard it said that the only sins that enslave us are the ones we are unaware of. Given this, it is no less than a worthwhile journey to look at our past. Doing so sets us free.  We are no longer captives.